Cubs Summer 2021 – Freedom Term!

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 Author: Rick Hooper

Both of our Cubs Packs have had a fantastic Summer Term, despite the trials and tribbleations that the country has been going through.

Working together to provide a fulfilling programme to both packs, the Leaders from Mosquito and Trident have done a great job to give our Cubs the very best time outside.

Our Cubs have been enjoying the Great Outdoors and we have been taking full advantage of the better weather with some fantastic activities this term.

From Navigating Hikes, to practicing our Robin Hood skills at Archery, helping our community and environment by tending our Cubs Allotment and building bamboo plant frames with our Pioneering skills, tackling a squidgy 5km Bike ride,  splashing about at a beautiful Summers evening of Kayaking, all leading up to our Freedom Activity Day last weekend where there were miles of smiles from the Cubs as they challenged themselves at Climbing, Caving, Canoeing and Campfire singing!

But there’s more adventure yet to come this term, with Wide Games night, our “Clean the Heath” Event where we will join with the Beavers and Scouts as we ‘Womble’ the local area by litter picking and cleaning street signs, and our ever-popular Water Games evening to top off a fantastic term.

Here are some of our favourite memories from Freedom Term so far:

Biker Gang! at Elvetham Heath Pond

Sponge Attack Critical at Explore Activity Centre Kayaking

Geronimo! at Explore Activity Centre Kayaking

Canoeing at Runways End Outdoor Centre – Freedom Activity Day

Caving Briefing at Runways End Outdoor Centre – Freedom Activity Day

Climbing Wall at Runways End Outdoor Centre – Freedom Activity Day

Campfire Fun at Runways End Outdoor Centre – Freedom Activity Day

Campfire S’mores at Runways End Outdoor Centre – Freedom Activity Day


You can see more photos of Freedom Activity Day here

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III